[TriLUG] Digital camera recommendations

John Matthews jvmatthe at math.duke.edu
Wed Nov 21 09:28:17 EST 2001

On Wed, 2001-11-21 at 09:13, H. Wade Minter wrote:
> If anyone has any recommendations, I'd love to hear them.  Feel free to
> mail me privately if list clutter is an issue.

I have an Olympus D-370 (1.3Mp) camera that I really like. The color
saturation is sometimes lacking, and if you want mongo-huge pictures
(i.e. high pixel densities) then 1.3Mp might seem small, but for $199 I
thought it worked out pretty well. It comes with the appropriate USB
cable, uses SmartMedia cards, and works smoothly in Linux (2.4.9). In
fact, since I'm running a Red Hat 7.2-beta box, the GNOME desktop uses
Nautilus and I can easily browse the camera directly from the desktop
after it's mounted. (It's a "mass storage" device.) It even records
QuickTime movies, but I haven't tried it with the CrossOver deal to see
if I can actually watch movies yet.

Camera was $199, 64Mb card was $40, runs on AA batteries. FWIW, my
parents have had it for several weeks now and won't give it back. :^)

I believe that there are nicer Olympus cameras that work essentially the
same way with Linux (i.e. USB mass storage), so you can possibly get
more features and higher pixel density. Hopefully the color is also more

Meanwhile, I think it'd be useful if we had a TriLUG talk about setting
up USB on various boxen. In particular, if someone could give a talk on
setting up numerous devices all working on the same machine, starting
with a kernel and potentially distribution with no USB support. I have
my keyboard, mouse, joystick, Visor, and camera all working, but it took
me some serious fumbling time to get it all right. I'd like to see "how
it should be done".


Matt Matthews     \ ph: 919.660.2811        \ Use GNU\Linux  _o) w00t
Duke Univ., Postdoc\ jvmatthe at math.duke.edu  \____________   /\\
Dept. of Mathematics\ http://www.math.duke.edu/~jvmatthe/ \ _\_V

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