Donald Ball balld at webslingerZ.com
Tue Nov 27 21:46:22 EST 2001

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, H. Wade Minter wrote:

> > Now here's the tough part:  I've never set up an MTA, and I'm a bit
> > intimidated by all that may be involved in doing so.  Currently, I use
> > exim on my Debian Woody machine to handle mail retrieved by fetchmail,
> > however I'm not sure that exim is capable of doing what I'm proposing.
> > Would I have to switch to Sendmail, Postfix, qmail, or some other such
> > MTA?  I suspect that I would.
> I'd go for sendmail, personally.  Anyone who says sendmail is hard to
> configure hasn't used the .mc macro config method, plus by sendmail
> being the de-facto unix MTA, lots of people know how to get it to do
> stuff.

any program that relies on/requires a macro pre-processor to generate a
valid configuration file has some problems, if you ask me. anyway, using
the m4 sendmail configuration method doesn't seem to fit the requirements
of not having to climb up a steep learning curve. powerful, maybe, but not
exactly easy. but that's just my opinion. mta wars can be as vicious as
editor or license wars.

- donald

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