[TriLUG] Upgrade to 7.2 - now KDE lockups

Christian J Hedemark chris at yonderway.com
Wed Dec 5 17:11:32 EST 2001

Sinner asks:
> Do you see something at /var/log/XFree86.log.x ??

Not anything that looks like an error, no.

> Any application in
> particular?

No.  I'll try to keep some more careful notes on what I am doing when it

> Do you have over-heating problems? Use lm_sensors + gkrellm an
> get some intake / output fans.

I know the case is pretty cool.  I got it jam packed with fans pushing cool
air through a nice tight mid tower case.  So I don't suspect any video
problems.  Though I do have it pumping out 1600x1200x16b

Anyway I'll try to get some more verbose info next time it happens.  This
was more of a casual observance than a formal bug report.  :-)

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