[TriLUG] I just figured out what evolution is missing

Kevin - The Alchemist - Sonney alchemist at darkcanvas.com
Sun Jan 6 07:51:35 EST 2002

On Sun, 2002-01-06 at 00:56, Ben Pitzer wrote:
> I still can't get the Palm sync to work, as the gnome-pilot stuff fails
> me each and every time.  I go under Tools -> Pilot Settings, and change
> the Sync Type to 'Syncronize' however it never takes.  It is always on
> 'Use conduit settings', and that's it.  It won't allow me to change it. 
> No errors, it just never changes.  Is there a flat file where I can
> modify this, anyone?  Just curious.

I dunno - it's worked just fine on my "gnomehide" version of
evolution/gnome from people.redhat.com. 

> Additionally, I'd been using Pine, and it imported all of my mail just
> fine, EXCEPT for my inbox.  I had to copy my inbox to another mailbox
> name, and import that, then transfer all of the mail back into the
> Evolution inbox.

I didn't have an issue with this since I use sIMAP. Although converting
all my mutt aliases to vcard format was a pain (until I found 2vcard on

> Except for those things, I have so far enjoyed Evolution.  The
> capabilities are promising, and I can't wait to see what future versions
> add.  A few of the things that I have liked include the PGP support,

Speaking of which, You'll notice I'm signing messages again, because
evolution makes it easy. Anyone who uses Outlook Express gets
attachments, but apparently that's just Express, as one of my friends
tried a full version of Outlook and things were just fine. Go figure.

> options (Filter on sender, filter on list, etc).  I suggest trying it
> out to see if you like it for a little while, especially if you feel
> tied to a graphical email client.  I admit to missing Pine a little at
> times, but then again some of the features in Evolution make me glad I
> switched.

I've not used the filters as I procmail everything on the imap server
side, and that does a pretty good job. I can't wait to see the next

--      Kevin "The Alchemist" Sonney      --
--  New email : alchemist at darkcanvas.com  --
--  http://www.darkcanvas.com/~alchemist  --
--  ICQ: 4855069            AIM: ksonney  --
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  -- Berkley Breathed, 2001
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