[TriLUG] Good mailing lists for sysadmin's

Mark R. Lindsey markrlindsey at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 8 16:52:20 EST 2002

--- Fred Stutzman <stutzman at email.unc.edu> wrote:
> A topic where everyone might have a different opinion:
> Name some good mailing lists for linux sysadmins, and possibly justify it
> if it is an obscure list..  We've got newbies and old hats here, so I'm
> hoping to learn a thing or two.

For USENIX SAGE (System Administrator's Guild) members, there's the 
sage-members list. The signal/noise ratio there is extraordinarily high,
and many of the contributors have many years of experience. 

Recent good topics:
	-> Moving a machine room
	-> Reinstalling systems versus patching
	-> Issues in Research in System Adminstration
	-> Managing user expectations


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