[TriLUG] running script as mail alias, script running as specific user
Brent Verner
brent at rcfile.org
Mon Jan 14 18:01:49 EST 2002
[2002-01-14 17:49] Jon Carnes said:
| Thanks for everyone's suggestions.
| I'm not having any problems with smrsh. The script actually runs. It just
| doesn't run as user Lorax...
| In the past I must have used a broken kernel or loaded a module that allowed
| me to use chmod +s. And then the program ran as the user.
phish:/home/brent# ls -al whoami.pl
-rwsr-sr-x 1 brent brent 46 Jan 14 18:00 whoami.pl
phish:/home/brent# cat whoami.pl
$ENV{PATH} = ""; #required security measure.
print `whoami`;
exit 0;
| The program I've got is a simple shell script. I would hate to convert it
| to C, since I want to give it out to a lot of folks who don't have any
| programming experience. I'm actually trying to solve a common problem that
| a lot of folks have in Mailman.
| I can do it using sudo, but again that makes it a little too complex for the
| intended audience.
| If I can get the script to execute as a specified user, then I'm done and
| the world will be a better place!
| Jon
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: "Jeremy P" <jeremyp at pobox.com>
| To: "Triangle Linux Users Group" <trilug at trilug.org>
| Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 4:58 PM
| Subject: Re: [TriLUG] running script as mail alias, script running as
| specific user
| > On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, Jon Carnes wrote:
| >
| > > I'm trying to setup an automated process using a email address. The
| email
| > > alias is something like:
| > > thetrees: "|/usr/local/sbin/thetrees"
| > >
| > > The script thetrees in /usr/local/sbin needs to run as a specified user.
| > > The user should be "lorax". How do I let the lorax speak for thetrees?
| >
| > ISTR you use sendmail. If so, you'll need to put the script in /etc/smrsh
| > (or at least put a symlink there). Then, in the alias file call it
| > something like "|/etc/smrsh/thetrees". By default, the script will run as
| > user "mail".
| >
| > > I've tried using chmod u+s on the script, and setting the user to lorax,
| but
| > > that is not working.
| >
| > The kernel disallows suid shell scripts.
| >
| > You might be able to setup something with "sudo" (to allow uid mail to run
| > something as lorax). But I don't know if there's a way of stopping sudo
| > from asking for the user's password. You could always rewrite your script
| > in C, and then suid that C program. You could also have it check to be
| > sure it was started as "mail" so no one else can invoke it. But this gets
| > complicated!
| >
| > --Jeremy
| >
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