[TriLUG] AOL Redhat Linux?!?
Brent Verner
brent at rcfile.org
Sat Jan 19 22:39:45 EST 2002
[2002-01-19 21:44] Greg Brown said:
| <RANT>
| Still, many things bothers me about this whole Linux/AOL thing and one of
| which is that I don't think that AOL will ever make their software open
| source for fear of some weird software from Microsoft trojan horse blasting
| AOL right off the machine.. so then, to me, it's not Linux if it's not open
| source. I don't want my service provider in charge of my OS, it just gives
| them too much power which is why I would never use MSN (also why I would
| never use AOL if they bought Red Hat).
I am a staunch supporter of, and contributor in the open source world,
and I see no problem with AOL _not_ releasing source for their application.
AOL only sees the value of bundling their application with a quality, free,
well supported OS. I applaud them, if this rumor is true; it shows greater
wisdom than I thought they'd have.
| I don't mean to step on anyone's toes here so please forgive me if I do. I
| think of AOL as the "everperson" way to connect to the Internet. If you
| don't know what "ISP" stands for then AOL might be for you. I'm sure there
| are technically competant people who use AOL but I think they are in the
| vast minority compared to the people who use (real?) ISPs. Again, I didn't
| mean to step on anyone's toes and I'm sorry if I did but that is my
| perception of AOL (and it could be wrong).
This argument is irrelevant to the discussion. AOL is not in the business
of creating computer-savvy users. They are squarely in the business of
servicing the people who have no idea what "ISP" stands for.
| On another front I can't think of anything worse than forcing non computer
| literate people to use Linux. I would never dream of forcing Linux on my
| parents but I suggested they use AOL - simply because it is a catch basin
| for people who know how to navigate around a computer but don't know, or
| don't want to know, what is going on behind the scenes of their internet
| connection. My parents and people like them using Linux? It's just not
| going to happen - nomatter how good the desktop might be. They are going
| to say "this isn't like the system I use at work, I don't understand it,
| and I'm not using it". Goodbye a large percentage of AOL customers, IMHO.
This is a partially valid argument against AOLinux. There will certainly
be need for a client that runs on MS for those who:
1) don't want to trade their "Power Windows User" membership for a "Newbie
Linux User" label.
2) are unable to learn something other than Windows.
3) people who must use Windows for legacy applications.
4) others?, please.
Now think about it, how large is the above group compared to the number
of users who don't know the meaning of "ISP"? Most AOL users use their
computers for little more than AOL community stuffs, and surfing the
| Now, on the other hand, if AOL decides to rename RoadRunner and "broadband
| AOL", or something along those lines, and they decided not to choke me with
| AOL crap on my internet connection and just give me an IP address I can use
| then perhaps I could support this.. but I don't think they'll do that. AOL
| wants to have more customers than MSN and they will do whatever it takes -
| INCLUDING filters internet traffice to point you in approved directions and
| away from websites/newgroups/whatever which contain information they think
| is harmful to their busines model.
FUD, and not even high-grade FUD. AOL/TW makes _profit_ off of me, whether
or not I use the AOL service or not -- I use roadrunner. They'd not be so
stupid to stoop to blocking content, and risk losing _valuable_ customers
from the PR nighmare that /would/ follow.
| If AOL buys Red Hat then RH is coming off my desktop ASAP as I'll have to
| get to know another distribution.
If you do decide to run linux on your desktop, I'd recommend debian.
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