[TriLUG] Internal http redirect via external web server?

Jeremy P jeremyp at pobox.com
Fri Jan 25 13:37:27 EST 2002

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Brent Verner wrote:

> look at mod_proxy. A quick example that proxies
> /proxied_uri to/from another server.
> LoadModule proxy_module       modules/libproxy.so
> AddModule mod_proxy.c
> # ...
> <IfModule mod_proxy.c>
>   ProxyPass /proxied_uri http://real.server/real_uri
>   ProxyPassReverse /proxied_uri http://real.server/real_uri
> </IfModule>

I'll add that I use this regularly at Durham Tech.  It works very
well... give it a try, Jon.  You can even enable the cache (if you have
some static content for which it would make sense).   If just swapping out
URI's isn't powerful enough for you, you can also duplicate the
"ProxyPass" functionality through rewrite rules.

I use this at Durham Tech to provide proxied access to some various online
research databases.  The databases use IP authentication (ick), so I just
set up ProxyPass URLs on our Apache server.  This way, distant learners
can access the databases too, because the remote HTTP server thinks the
request is coming from on-campus. (Yes I have permission from the db
companies to do this.)  We password protect the URLs to keep anyone from
accessing them, of course.

Hope this helps,

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