[TriLUG] February Meeting

Kevin - The Alchemist - Sonney alchemist at darkcanvas.com
Mon Jan 28 07:34:53 EST 2002

On Sun, 2002-01-27 at 18:58, al johson wrote:
> AMEN!!! --Frankly, I'm looking forward to the scheduled program. Nothing
> says you can't take the wife or girlfriend to an early supper somewhere
> really nice and in effect kill two birds with one stone!!

#define HUSBAND_HAT 1

In all practicality, you're talking about a nice, romantic luncheon.
With a meeting at 7, You'd have to have dinner at 4 or 5 in order to do
it right, and still make the meeting. And even then, there's very few
women who will accept "sorry I have to eat & run, and I love you, but
I've got to get to TriLUG tonight - they're talking about RPM!"

While the truck is comfortable, I don't look forward to sleeping in it.

#endif /* HUSBAND_HAT */

#define CHAIR_HAT 2
#ifdef CHAIR_HAT

We've decided to move the Feb meeting to Monday, 2/11/2002, and postpone
the RPM/DEB talk until March. I'm sure y'all won't mind, since we'll be
joint-hosting VA's Editor in Chief Robin Miller (roblimo at slashdot.org,
Commentator in Open magazine, and who's latest Newsforge article is at
http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=02/01/24/0310206 ). 

Now, if Robin would have been staying through Friday, I'd still ask Ben
& co. to postpone until March, and have this talk on our usual night.
But he's not, and I honestly thought y'all might like to hear Robin
speak outside the confines of UNC. And since this is a joint production
with NC*SA, we can save on the costs a little bit. Given the current
budget, I thought y'all might appreciate that as well.

If any of this is a problem, email chair at trilug.org.

Oh, and just a head's up - we'll probably move the April LUG/JUG meeting
as well, because it's the JUG's turn to host, and they meet on a
different night. Go ahead a yell at me *NOW* if you think this is
unacceptable. But they moved their meeting last time, and so it's only
fair we move ours this time around.

#endif /* CHAIR_HAT */

--      Kevin "The Alchemist" Sonney      --
--  ICQ: 4855069            AIM: ksonney  --
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