[TriLUG] What about an "unofficial" February Meeting, for those without SO's??

Sinner from the Prairy sinner at escomposlinux.org
Mon Jan 28 16:13:24 EST 2002

El dia Monday 28 January 2002 03:28 pm, no tenies res mes que fer i vas i 
m'envies aquest mail:
> Cool site....   I would love to see TriLUG do something like that!

> Jon
> BTW: that one guy looked suspiciously like Paul Newman.

Yup, that's what he says: "I say that Ilook like Paul Newman. Others 
disagree"  :)

The cool thing: that org is a distributed network, made up with home users 
using Linux and ADSL w/fixed IPs.

There's a map here:

This way, they have a lot of disk space. But they held no mirrors: the 
connections are , most of them, 256/128 kbps . The mai page is: 

It is a cool idea.

"I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father 
smelt of elderberries!"
RedHat QA Test Engineer  --  Running RedHat 7.2 on i386smp

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