[TriLUG] @#$@#! Laptop Trackpad.

John Franklin franklin at elfie.org
Sat Feb 2 17:27:20 EST 2002

On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 04:50:58PM -0500, Michael Mueller / Signalnetware wrote:
> I was considering an external mouse and keyboard on the USB port to get 
> around this problem . I use Mandrake 8.1.  That ought to work, right?  Just 
> any old USB mouse and USB keyboard?  Whoops, there's a PS-2 mouse port back 
> there too.

If you've got the USB drivers and a USB port, then Linux will happily
use a USB keyboard and mouse, even if there's also PS/2 style hardware

John Franklin
franklin at elfie.org
ICBM: 35°48'19"N 78°46'39"W

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