[TriLUG] Now why isn't this working (sendmail question)?
Kevin - The Alchemist - Sonney
alchemist at darkcanvas.com
Mon Feb 4 08:47:28 EST 2002
OK, I have a sendmail question, but before I begin :
DISCLAIMER: The first person to suggest that mail daemon
postfix/qmail/xmail/etc will fix all my woes will get thumped. I am not
interested in investing the time it will take to get "other-mail-server"
working in my environment right now. Sendmail works just fine, aside
from this little thing, and doesn't need replacing, OK?
The problem :
I have five virtual domains. Under Sendmail 8.9 managed by *shudder*
linuxconf, each domain had a "default user" that all mail that wasn't
explicitly aliased was delivered to.
Well, when I upgraded to Sendmail 8.11, this broke. And I'm not using
linuxconf any more (huzzah!) so I need to know how to set up a default
mail alias for *@domain.com.
I've read over the sendmail docs, made sure my sendmail.cf uses a
virtuser table:
Kvirtuser hash -o /etc/mail/virtusertable
generated /etc/mail/virtusertable that says:
@sonney.com: alchemist
and hashmapped it properly.
makemap hash virtusertable.db < virtusertable
However, sendmail -bt still tells me :
# sendmail -bt
> /map virtuser bob at sonney.com
map_lookup: virtuser (bob at sonney.com) no match (0)
> /map virtuser @sonney.com
map_lookup: virtuser (@sonney.com) no match (0)
Any hints, oh gurus of the list?
-- Kevin "The Alchemist" Sonney --
-- ICQ: 4855069 AIM: ksonney --
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