[TriLUG] bash cmd line processing question

Ken Mink ken.mink at porivo.com
Thu Feb 14 14:07:22 EST 2002

On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 13:36, Paul D. Boyle wrote:
> The (') is one of the ways to quote strings in shells, and I have
> never really understood the difference between " and '.

Anything that is enclosed in "s is still elligble for shell
substitution. If you pass "$SHELL" to a command, it get /bin/bash (or
whatever your shell is).
Anything that is enclosed in 's is taken as a literal. So, if you pass
'$SHELL' to a command, it gets $SHELL.

To see, at your favorite prompt;
> echo '$SHELL'
> echo "$SHELL"

> Paul
> -- 
> Paul D. Boyle			    |	boyle at laue.chem.ncsu.edu
> Director, X-ray Structural Facility |	phone: (919) 515-7362
> Department of Chemistry - Box 8204  |	FAX:   (919) 515-5079
> North Carolina State University     | 
> Raleigh, NC, 27695-8204
> http://laue.chem.ncsu.edu/web/xray.welcome.html
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Ken Mink
Porivo Technologies, Inc.
919.806.0566 | mailto:ken.mink at porivo.com
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