[TriLUG] a good ssh client for win2k

John F Davis johndavi at us.ibm.com
Mon Feb 18 12:11:42 EST 2002

You can get pscp from the same place you get putty.

I've been using putty for years.  I don't have any problem with it.


Scott Morris <scmorris at ifndef.com>@trilug.org on 02/18/2002 11:56:00 AM

Please respond to trilug at trilug.org

Sent by:    trilug-admin at trilug.org

To:    trilug at trilug.org
Subject:    Re: [TriLUG] a good ssh client for win2k

> All:
> I found some software (freeware) that I'd like to pass along.  It's a
> ssh client (also does telnet and some other protocols) that runs under
> Win2k.  So far my non-thorough testing seems to show that it works
> fairly well.  It's called "Putty" and the download page for the
> software is:
> http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html

yes, putty is king. small, simple, free.

works great until you need scp as well.
so i usually have cygwin and putty on my windoze boxen.

anyone know of a lightweight ssh client that also does scp?

Scott Morris
scmorris at ifndef.com
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