[TriLUG] question 1: RH 7.1 FTP access SLOW

James Manning trilug at sublogic.com
Wed Feb 20 10:18:33 EST 2002

[gregbrown at mindspring.com]
> I am running RH 7.1 connected to a cable modem and I just enabled ftp through the firewall.  I have plenty of bandwidth but the FTP server running on the box seems very sssslllllooooooowwwwwwww... It takes forever to respond to the initial FTP request (but transfers files quickly once connected).  
> Is this normal behavior for wu-ftpd?  Very long time to connect, very long time to deliver responses to command like 'dir' or 'ls', but very quick file transfers?

Make sure you're attempting passive ftp before doing the
previously-mentioned edit.  I just noticed the bit about dir and ls
latency, not just initial connect :)

wget --passive-ftp is my fav. pasv of choice (passivist!)
James Manning <jmm at sublogic.com>
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