[TriLUG] creating ext3 partitions on the command line
sgblanch at email.unc.edu
Thu Feb 21 16:44:34 EST 2002
that is exactly what I needed to know, thanks
~steven blanchard
John Matthews wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 16:31, sgblanch wrote:
>>I am trying to create some ext3 partitions by hand on a redhat 7.2 box,
>>but can not find the command to format the partitions. parted complains
>>that it does not have an implementation for ext3, and there is no
>>mkfs.ext3, or mke3fs. I am somewhat befuddled at this...
> Look at the man page for mke2fs. Search for ext3. The commands are in
> there.
> Yes, it is confusing to have to look there. :^|
> Regards,
> matt
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