pcmcia eject saves power (was Re: [TriLUG] laptop on-net/off-net)

M. Mueller (bhu5nji) bhu5nji at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 17 09:48:10 EST 2002

On Sunday 17 March 2002 09:29 am, you wrote:

> Ah. That would cause a problem or two. The card would still be
> registered. You could also use "cardctl eject [slot]" to software eject
> the card - it stays in the machine, but pcmcia sees the slot as "empty"
> until you either eject & re-insert or use "cardctl insert [slot]"

Ejecting the pcmcia will reduce power consumtion, yes?  Would the power 
manager react to the soft eject and power down the pcmcia? 

I' pretty sure my Presario has ACPI and not APM.  I haven't figured out how 
to use the ACPI yet.  I did just find a clue though: 

Mike  M.

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