[TriLUG] Disk cleanup

Justin Johnson justin at eCotton.com
Mon Mar 18 15:53:21 EST 2002

> You've probably already thought of this, but I'll mention it
> anyway.  Last
> time I downloaded 8i, the tarball was ~ 600 Mb and the uncompressed
> installation files were ~ 750 Mb.  If you forgot to delete them
> post-installation, that's nearly 1.5 Gb of data ripe for deletion.

I actually downloaded the 9i install files and extracted them in my home
directory, for the reasons you mentioned. And you might find it interesting
to know that the 9i download is now closer to 2Gig, !compressed! What a pig!
Believe me, I'll remember to go delete those piggy's when I get done with
the install. ;-)


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