[TriLUG] Windows CE and Linux

David A. Cafaro dac at cafaro.net
Wed Mar 20 09:46:59 EST 2002

The price is definitely nice for the iPAQ, best I was able to get was $489 
with free shipping for the Zaurus.  Big sticker shock even when I look back 
to when I bought my Palm IIIx brand new for $349 back three years ago.  Of 
course soon as I get my Zaurus I will have a spare Palm IIIx to sell if you 
want to scavenge for parts :-).

As far as the Palm community, I have actually had good luck with finding 
software I use that is either liberal shareware or freeware.  I even 
bought, for $20, two games which I absolutely fell in love with (I love my 
Kyles quest).  Luckily I have heard rumors of a Palm emulator for the 
Zaurus, don't know yet if it is true though.

At 09:03 AM 3/20/2002, you wrote:
>I was looking at the iPAQ simply because it's got all these hardware specs
>with the execption of the keyboard and it comes with Windows 2002 (gasp! he
>said a dirty word!) and the Pocket software.  Plus www.handhelds.org has a
>full deployment for the iPAQ 3600, 3700, and 3800 series, and it's backed by
>Compaq, and directly linked from them.  Plus the price of the one I was
>looking at (refurb of course) is $369.00.
>My Palm IIIxe cracked (gotta love 2 1/2 year olds!) and I don't want to get
>stuck like Chris described dealing with the Palm community.
>  www.uclinux.com has a linux kernel minus MMU as well as a few apps for the
>Palms. You may want to check them out.
>Unless someone has a Palm IIIxe they want to sell REALLY cheap (I can get
>another one for about $100.00), I'm probably going to go with either the
>iPAQ or the Zaurus.

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