[TriLUG] RH 5.2 box up 339 days

M. Mueller mmueller at signalnetware.com
Sat Apr 6 10:31:12 EST 2002

On Friday 05 April 2002 08:27 am, you wrote:

I just checked uptime on 6 machines that are used for development.  They've 
been up for 20-40 days.  THis is not long by Linux standards, but let me 
explain why I am amazed.  These machines are running LOTs of brand new code.  
The application starts and stops hundreds of times a weeks for debugging. One 
machine runs 10 term windows and Ethereal continuously. There are 5 SSH 
sessions.  One window runs PPP sessions.  Another is a development session 
where gcc3.0 runs often compiling code with STL which is a real strain on the 
processor because it runs paths that are not often taken. We've got kernel 
device driver level modifications as well.  The machines have never crashed 
and locked.  The app under development does do the occasional segmentation 
fault, but that's no big deal for Linux. The machines do get powered down for 
PCI card changes occasionally and that is why I have the current set of 

Running a server keeps a machine in pretty tight boundry of operation, so you 
don't wander in those cob-webby corners of code where the bugs lie.  Running 
a workstation where there's lot's of user interaction with compilers, 
interpreters, applications, burning CDs, listening to music, watching and 
editing videos, etc. is where the real test lies.  Linux survives wonderfully 
in this arena as well.

I ditched my last windoze box a couple of months ago.  I don't reboot twice 
daily anymore.

I use RH6.1 with a home-brew 2.2.14 mostly.  My laptop uses Mandrake 8.1 

Michael Mueller
Signalnetware, Inc.

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