[TriLUG] nomination
Jon Carnes
jonc at nc.rr.com
Sat Apr 13 02:11:48 EDT 2002
The only privilege is that you get to push for items you feel strongly about.
Duties of the SC:
- Run the meetings
- Line up topics/speakers for the meetings
- Schedule meeting facilities and insure that we maintain a sponsor for the
RTI meeting room
- See that food, drinks, plates, napkins, and cups are provided for each
meeting or event
- Register members and maintain membership database
- Fund raising (internal and external)
- System administration of the LUG servers and applications
- Web server / Mailing list administration
- Enforce the Rules of the LUG and the Laws that govern our incorporation
- Oversee sub-committees.
- Approve spending of LUG funds
- Contact for sponsors
- Manage/coordinate LUG projects and volunteer efforts
- Report on the "State of the LUG"
- Maintain a cool head, while those about you are loosing their tempers...
Minor items are decided by Majority vote of the SC. Minor items are things
like approval of announcements, decisions on topics and speakers, website
design and content, etc...
Major items are decided either by unanimous vote, or throwing the item out
for a vote from the Members. Major items are things like funding issues,
approving sponsors, spending money, creating new lists, etc...
You do most of your arguing, commenting, and voting via email, and most of
your work via the internet - so you better have a decent Internet connection
at your home!
It's a pain in the ass, but a Pain that you share collectively with 4 other
people. Some people will love you for what you do, others will despise you.
If you do the job well, you spend about 10 to 20 hours a week doing it...
All in all, it is a great learning experience, and there are big Karma points
to be gained.
I hope that helps to describe the SC, and I hope it doesn't scare anyone off!
Jon Carnes
--- Original Message: Saturday 13 April 2002 12:48 am ---
> A Divendres 12 Abril 2002 11:22 pm, Chris Hedemark va escriure:
> > Some of my favorites are already nominated by default (as
> > incumbents), but I'd like to add to the list Sinner from the Prairy
> > and hope that he will consider running this year.
> Wow!
> This is unexpected. I'm honored by the nomination.
> But, as being totally unexpected, I must confess that I was... errr...
> taking a nap while Kevin "The Boss" Sonney was explaining what are the
> duties and privileges of Trilug's Steering Comitee members.
> So, for those that take naps during the meetings, what does itmean to be
> part of Trilug's S.C.?
> Salut,
> Sinner
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