[TriLUG] Laptops

John Franklin franklin at elfie.org
Mon Apr 15 13:06:15 EDT 2002

On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 09:38:06AM -0400, Janyne Kizer wrote:
> I am looking at purchasing a laptop for work and I was wondering if any
> of you have good or bad experiences using Linux on a Dell Inspiron 4100
> or a Dell Latitute C610.  

I bought myself an iBook.  I love it.  OS X rocks.  They claim a six
hour battery life, it's closer to five.  No PC Card slots, but there are
two USB and one FireWire, 10/100, modem.  The airport card fits under
the keyboard so you're not likely to snap off the antenna by setting it
down at odd angles.  The screen only does 1024x768.  The 14" screen is
very readable, tho.  

DVD/CD-RW is very nice.  I met my parents in DC to check out the cherry
blossoms a couple of weeks ago and used my father's digital camera to
shoot 60-odd pics.  On the drive out of the city I was able to pull off
all the pics (FireWire on the camera... very nice) and burn my father a
CD before we got back to my car in Falls Church.

The dev tools (included with OS X on a separate CD) has gcc.  There are
some extra flags for linking to "Frameworks" (OS X's shared library
package, includes headers and libraries), and most gnu software builds.
There's a ton of packages already built (http://www.versiontracker.com).

As for "machine for work", what kind of work does it need to do?

John Franklin
franklin at elfie.org
ICBM: N37 12'54", W80 27'14" Z+2100'

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