[TriLUG] Cabling wish list

Lisa Lorenzin lorenzin at 1000plus.com
Tue Apr 23 09:30:09 EDT 2002

> I would say a mix of the two.  Remember, many of us (my husband is an
> IBMer and fits into this category) have signed agreements about using
> secure networks to work at home.  Wireless doesn't cut it according to
> some of the agreements.  

actually, wireless at home isn't always an insecure environment - it
depends on how you treat it.  if you start with the assumption that it's
an untrusted segment of your network and tunnel everything crossing the
wireless over ssl/ssh, it's no less secure than the vpn you're probably
running to get back into the office...

unlike quality, security often *can* be bolted on afterwards. :)  it just 
depends on how much setup time / hoop-jumping you're willing to invest.


lisa lorenzin  |  lorenzin at 1000plus.com  |  http://www.1000plus.com/lisa/
of what avail is an open eye if the heart is blind? - solomon ibn gavirol

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