[TriLUG] Project management software

Mark Johnson mrj at debian.org
Thu May 2 12:51:13 EDT 2002

On Thursday, May 2, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> I'm about to embark on a research project that requires a fair number of
> dependent tasks, and would love something that does the task of (but not
> in the same way as!) MS Project. Any suggestions? I've been trying without
> success to complie XPlan, and will keep trying unless I get other
> recommendations.

I used Onshore Timesheet for a few years and was very happy with it. I
uses a postgres backend and a web front end. It's 100% free. Very

I know it's available as a Debian package and you can also get it from
the source (the timesheet website seems to have disappeared.)


Or contact Adam DiCarlo, the developer: <adam at onshore-devel.com>

They also have a more sophisticated do-everything system called
'web-checkout', but I doubt it's free. And it might be overkill. It
also has a web front end.


If you want something with almost infinite configurability, try MOT
(Ministry Of Truth). It has a primitive default interface, but can do
almost anything. It's also a easy way to setup a mysql database.


Openticket also is nice, and runs under Zope (www.zope.org)

Probably the best thing to do, though, is to browse the

'Call Center, Bug Tracking and Project Management Tools for Linux' at


Tons of tools are listed there.

Hope that helps.


Mark Johnson        <mark at duke.edu>
Debian SGML         <mrj at debian.org>
Home Page:          <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/>
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