Static IP (was Re: [TriLUG] Hopefully not so easy...)

Mike Johnson mike at
Fri May 3 09:37:04 EDT 2002

John F Davis [johndavi at] wrote:
> Hello
> /action rant on

/action rant reply on
> Yeah you can play games with dynamic ips and such, but a simpler approach
> is to get yourself a static ip.  What's it cost?  An extra $5
> a month or something.

Um, no.  It doesn't always only cost an extra $5 a month.  With Road
Runner, it costs around an extra $50 a month.  That's $600 a year, which
is -real- money.
> It doesn't look as cool, but it works and its the right thing to do.  Then
> again maybe you like doing it the hard way.
> (I got this 3133t dynim.ip setup so I don't have to pay for static ip's and
> I host my own mail and real audio server. -=Hax0RDud3=-)

You're simply assuming that static IP's are easy to come by.  They
simply aren't.  Not all of us have access to an ISP who only charges a
pitance  (or gives it away) for a static IP.  I, for one, don't have
that option.  I pay through the nose for my static IP.
> Case in point, do a nslookup on and a reverse using the ip.
> It all works.   (The webpage is stock since I haven't
> restored the old ones from backup yet.)  I host my own mail and I have been
> doing so for years.  Its brain dead simple.

As have I.  And it's been a looooong time since I could get a staic IP
for cheap.  It looks like Britsys gives you a static IP for a resonable
sum.  Great.  Good for you.
> Also, I'll pass on a work of advice I received when I was young and I knew
> everything.  I think it applies in this case.
> "If its hard work, then you are doing it wrong."

Assumptions.  You can either spend the money (I know Chris uses Road
Runner), or do the work.  Sometimes it's a lot cheaper to do the work.
> /action rant off

/action rant reply off

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