[TriLUG] Red Hat 7.3 - for Nalin at redhat.com (mild flame)
Chris Hedemark
chris at yonderway.com
Tue May 7 12:05:44 EDT 2002
Preface: Nalin, while your past help given to members of this group is
appreciated, I'm afraid this post from you has tempted me to open an
id10t bug report in Bugzilla. I've also spent the last few days in the
northeast, which has significantly reduced the likelihood of me
overlooking your blunder.
On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 11:06, Nalin Dahyabhai wrote:
> You do realize that said lurkers probably don't make pricing decisions,
> and that a local LUG mailing list is absolutely the wrong place to start
> such a discussion if you actually want anything changed?
In the past the friendlier folks from Red Hat that lurk here don't find
customer feedback to be such a drag as you seem to. We all know the
official channels are "clogged" and sometimes our good friends here have
a way of getting the right feedback to the right places. Usually this
happens off-list so you don't get the benefit of seeing what happens.
For your personal enrichment, I've already gotten confirmation that the
right people have indeed gotten my feedback, well before your bitter
lecture on how us customers are such a drag.
> For example, if I think the price of Thinkpads is too high, I don't try
> to get the price changed by posting to a LUG mailing list in hopes that a
> lurking IBMer will take my advice and IBM will lower prices the next day.
What a reach.
We're talking about Linux on a Linux mailing list. Not only that, we're
talking about a local Linux company within a LUG that is in the same
locality. Lots of Red Hat people are on this list. Most of them have a
better attitude about improving their company's image & market share
than you have demonstrated here.
If you fail to see how this is on topic, maybe you ought to consider
relocating to Redmond, WA where your customer service attitude will fit
right in.
Besides if I thought the price of Thinkpads was too high, I'm sure my
old buddy John Davis over at IBM would take care of that lickity split.
> This might be hyperbole,
> and I may be a jerk for saying it,
> but really,
> I subscribed to this list when I was a student working for NCSU,
Ah that explains it.
> and it's
> off-putting when people assume that everywhere you go, you're there as a
> representative of your employer and nothing else.
Well you are responding to an comment on your company's policies using a
company email address. As far as anyone here can see, you ARE here as a
representative of your employer.
Your more intelligent colleagues participate here using their personal
email accounts to better divorce their opinions from their employer.
And I have made a point of extending them the courtesy of not hitting
them up directly regarding the policies or products of their employer
unless it is in direct response to something that they've already sent
You, sir, are a poor ambassador for your bosses. By using your work
email address you imply to others here that you are indeed an official
company representative. A poor career decision to be sure, but solid
judgment does not appear to be one of your strengths, does it?
But that is all moot. I never addressed my price gripe to you
specifically. You chose to answer, using a very official looking email
address, in a way that is not consistent with the regular customer
service practices of your employer.
Your mother was a hamster, and your father smells of elderberries. Now
go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.
| Rev. Chris Hedemark, DD
| Hillsborough, NC
| http://yonderway.com
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