[TriLUG] No ftp mirror tonight, unless...
Jonathan Hassell
jon at jonathanhassell.com
Thu May 9 11:55:37 EDT 2002
I have been surfing eBay all morning and there are quite a few deals on
disk drives that are new OEM models. What is the configuration of the FTP
server - SCSI or IDE? What are the specs on processor, memory, etc? It's
possible to get some quality disk drives for a much reduced cost.
Jonathan Hassell
--On Thursday, May 09, 2002 11:47 AM -0400 Kevin - The Alchemist - Sonney
<alchemist at darkcanvas.com> wrote:
> before we collect money for a WAP, we really should build up the pizza
> fund, and get disks for the FTP server. My initial suggestion was
> off-the-cuff, and as *MANY* have pointed out, there are bigger and
> better things y'alls donatations can go to. We can live with "if I
> remember to bring mine" for a while yet, I'm sure.
> And prices keep going down...
> --
> --------------------------------------------
> -- Kevin "The Alchemist" Sonney --
> -- ICQ: 4855069 AIM: ksonney --
> --------------------------------------------
> 320C 0336 3BC4 13EC 4AEC 6AF2 525F CED7 7BB6 12C9
> "I will rule you all with an Iron Fist! You! Obey the fist!" - Zim
Jonathan Hassell
jon at jonathanhassell.com
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