[TriLUG] Installfest Numbers

Jeremy P jeremyp at pobox.com
Thu May 9 13:31:29 EDT 2002

On Thu, 9 May 2002, Sinner from the Prairy wrote:

> Avui, Dijous 09 Maig 2002 11:59, no tenieu res mes que fer i me vareu enviar 
> aquest e-mail
> > Max out the hats, and we can add any left-overs to our goody box!
> >
> >
> > Thanks Josep.
> I would like to get a figure, so I can go to the "InstallFest Dept." and ask 
> them for an exact number.
> Anyone from the Steering Comitee can provide me a figure?

Not on the SC (yet at least!) but so far just 5 people have filled out the
registration form; I'll post details on that tomorrow after we get some
more publicity for the installfest at tonight's meeting.  I suspect we'll
have quite a few more people than that actually show, since we did
emphasize that registration was optional.

We'll also have quite a few volunteers (I hope!), and they all want cool
hats too, right?  It's really hard to guess an exact number.


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