[TriLUG] barcode scanner recommendations (self-correction)

Jeremy P jeremyp at pobox.com
Wed May 15 15:35:14 EDT 2002

On 15 May 2002, Thunder Bear wrote:

> On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 15:18, Thunder Bear wrote:
> > You can get it for free from Radio Shack (serial version) [snip]
> Not serial.  My bad.  It is PS/2 and goes inline between the keyboard
> and the PS/2 keyboard port.

Yes, and that version is going to be much easier to deal with in Linux,
since you don't need a driver; the numbers from the barcode are just
"typed" into the keyboard port, and the software doesn't know the

Here's one of the guides on "neutering" the Cue Cat:

Pretty interesting stuff.  I actually have one laying around
somewhere; I might give that a try this weekend.  Not that I have anything
that really needs scanning...


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