Partitioning strategies (was Re: [TriLUG] partitioning: primary or logical)

Kevin - The Alchemist - Sonney alchemist at
Wed May 15 23:04:49 EDT 2002

On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 22:44, Ben Pitzer wrote:
> Additionally, I found that I was misappropriating my paritions.  Too
> often, I would overuse one partition quickly, and run out of space
> there, yet only be using tiny portions of my other partitions.  Thus,
> while the disk would only be 30-40% used, I would be at 98% on one
> partition.  Granted, that's the fault of the partitioner, however it's
> just easier, less complicated, and less likely to cause problems if I
> just have fewer partitions.

I've had similar problems. What I've begun doing is creating a medium
sized / partition (say, 4G or so) and allocating the rest to /home or
/usr/local - depending on where I'm likely to use more space. Most of
the time, that's /home *grin*

I *REALLY* like to have /home on a separate partition/drive so that when
I do a new install I can just not mount the drive and not worry about it
wacking my data. (It also made it easier when I moved the NFS /home
drive out of the dead server and into my workstation...)

> Any thoughts on this?  I really think that there is very little wrong
> with creating just a / and swap, or a /boot, root and swap partition in
> the majority of cases.

I tend to agree. Right ow my laptop does this :

/dev/hda1  4G   /mnt/xp
/dev/hda2  4G   /
/dev/hda3  512M swap
/dev/hda5  19G  /home

Since I use /home/kevin to store almost everything, this makes sense for
me. And if I want to start over, all my dev tools and such would be
right where I left them.

but I'm an exception, not a rule....

--      Kevin "The Alchemist" Sonney      --
--  ICQ: 4855069            AIM: ksonney  --
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"I will rule you all with an Iron Fist! You! Obey the fist!" - Zim
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