[TriLUG] Linux for Newbies

Andrew C. Oliver acoliver at apache.org
Tue May 21 12:38:09 EDT 2002

Kevin - The Alchemist - Sonney wrote:

>On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 11:35, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
>>My back porch.  Wireless Access provided.  Lets make it pot luck. around 
>>lunchtime maybe.
>Sounds OK to me. How about kids?
Kids are fine.  We'll be kidless that weekend so they may be bored 
unless others come.  

>I'm in Pittsboro, so it's all somewhat far away (Chapel Hill the
We have ~3/4 of an acre, I imagine you've larger there.  I've no doubt 
you've got better wireless access than me to.  I've no objections to 
Pittsboro if I can get Erica to come (she used to live there so she 
knows "the way").

I have outlets in the back yard as well.  Anyhow, I don't care as long 
as its not in Raleigh and not Tooooo far.  Pittsboro isn't as bad a 
drive from N. Durham as Raleigh is (because I have to include an hour to 
be completely lost where Pittsboro well...there isn't much out there).

I do think N. Durham may be more accessible to everyone.  But no 
objection on my part.


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