[TriLUG] hacking a broken src rpm

Sinner from the Prairy sinner at escomposlinux.org
Mon Jun 3 09:40:26 EDT 2002

Avui, Dilluns 03 Juny 2002 09:10, no tenieu res mes que fer i me vareu enviar 
aquest e-mail
> Newbie question:
> What's the difference between src.rpms and regular rpms?

rpm packages contain the binary files, man files, info files.....
src.rpm packages contain the source, makefiles, specs...

rpm get installed in the usual places (/usr/bin /usr/lib ....)
src.rpm get installed in /usr/src/redhat (if you are in Red Hat)

rpm files are usualy pre-compiled for one specific architecture: i386.rpm , 
ppc.rpm , i586.rpm ...

src.rpm can be rebuild to get a (binary) rpm... compiled to your (default) 
architecture (i386, i586, athlon, ppc.) Or you can change that through smart 
use of specs / commandline options. You can alse change the specs (make?) 
file so you can change the target directories, the amount [*] of (binary) 
that you can get.

[*] Some src.rpm , when rebuild, get you several different rpm. IIRC,  with 
xmms.src.rpm you get xmms.i386.rpm, xmms-devel.i386.rpm, xmms-libs.i386. ... 
This is configurable through the specs file.


RedHat QA Test Engineer  --  Running RedHat 7.3 on i386smp

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