[TriLUG] Learning Styles?
James LewisMoss
dres at lewismoss.net
Fri Jun 7 11:09:55 EDT 2002
>>>>> On 06 Jun 2002 20:44:57 -0400, Tanner Lovelace <lovelace at wayfarer.org> said:
Tanner> On Thu, 2002-06-06 at 20:02, James LewisMoss wrote:
>> Kinetic: learns by doing Auditory: learns by hearing Visual:
>> learns by seeing (and by this it's not seeing words written that'd
>> be auditory, but by seeing charts/graphs/etc)
Tanner> I'm not sure I totally agree with your qualification of that
Tanner> last one. I find I learn things much better if, when I'm
Tanner> listening to something, I visualize how it's written. This
Tanner> is especially true with people's names. If someone just
Tanner> tells me their name, I'm very likely to forget it. If,
Tanner> however, I see it written down, or imagine it written down
Tanner> when they tell me it, I stand a much greater chance of
Tanner> remembering it. So, I must respectfully disagree with your
Tanner> qualification.
Disagree all you like it doesn't change how they are used. I guess
Auditory would be better expressed as Verbal, but I've seen both used
to mean the same concept.
@James LewisMoss <dres at lewismoss.org> | Blessed Be!
@ http://www.lewismoss.org/~dres | Linux is kewl!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach
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