[TriLUG] usbdrive etc.

Ken Mink ken.mink at porivo.com
Mon Jun 10 10:18:47 EDT 2002

  I've got a 32MB one that I use with Linux everyday. I've got my GPG
keys and resume on it. I love it. 2.4 kernels have all the needed
drivers. Between autofs and some sym links, I don't have to do anything
but plug it in.
  Another nice thing is they come formatted with vfat and Win2k and up
machines also have the drivers.
  Oh yeah. Mine is on my key chain.


On Sun, 2002-06-09 at 20:38, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> Has anyone used one of these storage "keys" (e.g., usbdrive,
> diskonkey) with linux? Effectively they're flash RAM with a USB
> interface. I've inherited a 32MB one (IBM branded, don't know who actually
> made it) and am wondering if it's worth the trouble to use it.
> Thanks for any experiences.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Andrew J Perrin - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
> Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
> clists at perrin.socsci.unc.edu * andrew_perrin (at) unc.edu
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Ken Mink
Porivo Technologies, Inc.
919.806.0566 | mailto:ken.mink at porivo.com
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