(rr mailserver redux) Re: [TriLUG] Newbie meeting - Saturday
Andrew C. Oliver
acoliver at apache.org
Wed Jun 12 16:08:45 EDT 2002
Where are we on the TRILUG mail server? I'll gladly learn how to
install whatever mail prog if I
don't have to look at freaking "out of memory" errors anymore.
Thunder Bear wrote:
>On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 15:25, Robby Dermody wrote:
>>About rr's mailservers...
>We stopped using them.
>>Hmm, I thought they had just blocked me from relaying through
>>smtp-server.nc.rr.com for some reason :)
>They did. Just not intentionally.
>Our packetloss to our local gateway continues to be a pain. Today it is
>averaging 66% packetloss to the local gateway. We finally escalated the
>problem within RR management via the customer service folks and
>hopefully they'll get something fixed there. That particular problem
>seems to have been identified some time ago as low signal levels
>throughout my neighborhood. But the guys in the trucks seem to be more
>TV-competent than network-competent and think if the TV reception is
>alright they aren't going to go to the trouble of fixing the problem.
>The network folks I've talked to at RR seem pretty clueful, and they are
>also at the mercy of the field guys. Unfortunately it looks like it
>will need some sort of higher intervention to fix that problem.
>I have debated over whether or not to run OpenNMS against my local
>gateway, the smtp server, dns, etc. to be able to provide RR with
>availability reports down to three decimal places but one problem at a
>time. ;-)
>>I just set up my own internal mail relay so I don't have to deal with it
>>anymore. Their service is otherwise quite good, but I'm glad I don't use
>>their servers for inbound mail...
>Yeah that's my approach. I'm mostly worried about connectivity. I can
>handle my own email & DNS if you give me good connectivity. I'm
>somewhat interested in providing numbers on email/dns availability to RR
>but I would be worried that this might be viewed in a hostile way by
>some clueless PHB as an attack or something.
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