[TriLUG] Do-it-yourself mail server (was: broadband woes?)

Michael Mueller mmueller at ss7box.com
Fri Jun 14 13:49:45 EDT 2002

On Friday 14 June 2002 13:35, Chris Merrill reputedly wrote:
> Michael Mueller wrote:
> > I've been following the "I do my own mail server" threads with interest. 
> > Can someone describe the technology in 3 or 4 sentences?  Do you rely on
> > having a static IP address or a near static address?  With DSL, my IP
> > address changes about every 1.75 weeks because I need to do a power off
> > reset on the modem.
> I don't know about describing the technology...
> but my steps were:

Perfect.  Technique-ology.  Study of technique.  I guess I made it sound like 
I wanted to understand the protocols and such.  Nope.  Your answer is exactly 
what I was wanting.  Thanks.

> 1. buy Postfix book (Blum)
> 2. install postfix from RPM
> 3. read first 5 chapters of book
> 4. follow directions in first 5 chapters of book
> My bookmark is still on page 95 of the book - the rest
> covers more advanced topics.  The first few chapters
> describe the basic internet mail protocols, MTAs, MDAs
> and MUAs.  A few chapters on Postfix config files.  I
> had it up and running in an evening.
> If I can do it...anyonce can!

Sounds like my SSH and Samba books.

> I don't have a static IP...I use dns2go for dynamic DNS
> services (dyndns and others are popular, too).

Gotta separate the ISP from the email and webhosting.  Especially since the 
providers and their quality will come and go these days.

Thanks again.

Mike Mueller

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