[TriLUG] Gaim and Gnome 2

John Matthews jvmatthe at math.duke.edu
Mon Jul 29 12:05:36 EDT 2002

On Mon, 2002-07-29 at 11:33, Tanner Lovelace wrote:
> I try to follow the gaim development and was under the impression
> that they already had a version of gaim that worked with gnome2.
> Is that not the case?  If so, is there any reason to keep the 
> compatibility libraries?

You seem to be right.

Admittedly, I haven't pushed it to see what, if anything, breaks. The
scripts that build GAIM on my system (written by someone else) try to
pull in GNOME 1.4 core libs when I let it be aware that GNOME is
installed on the system. If I say "hey, act like GNOME isn't here" the
script still seems to want GTK+ 1.x.

There is also this FAQ:

Note that it advises that you check the Changelog. It has this entry:
version 0.49 (11/29/2001):
* Can compile against GTK+ 2.0 (version 1.3.10/1.3.11)

So that seems to indicate that it works with GTK+ 2.0 and that the build
scripts aren't smart enough to figure it out. I'll look into it more and
see if I can get those libs off my system without breaking too much.

Note: I just checked and this is the line in the script:
[snip other dependencies]

So they are testing for gtk+-1.2 explicitly, and not trying to make it
work with something newer, like:
[other dependencies]

I may try rebuilding again tonight by loosening that explicit dependency
and see how it goes.


Matt Matthews     \ ph: 919.660.2811        \ Use GNU/Linux  _o) w00t
Duke Univ., Postdoc\ jvmatthe at math.duke.edu  \____________   /\\
Dept. of Mathematics\ http://www.math.duke.edu/~jvmatthe/ \ _\_V
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