[TriLUG] Prime number discovery?
John Franklin
franklin at elfie.org
Mon Aug 12 11:02:52 EDT 2002
On Monday, August 12, 2002, at 10:48 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-08-12 at 10:45, Jeremy Portzer wrote:
>> I heard "through the grapevine" about a new discovery related to prime
>> numbers made by Indian mathematicians. If what is said is true -- that
>> the amount of time do determine if a number is prime has been
>> "drastically
>> reduced" -- this could have grave implications on public/private key
>> cryptography. This class of cryptography depends on the fact that the
>> prime number problem is computationally very difficult; a new method to
>> find primes could undercut huge amounts of investment in cryptography.
>> From what I've read, the algorithm drastically reduces that
>> computation,
> but does not reduce the time it takes to *factor* numbers made from
> large primes, so i shouldn't affect strong crypto.
Which would mean that a new method to find primes would actually be a
boon to the encryption community.
John Franklin
franklin at elfie.org
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