[TriLUG] odd question of the day.

Thunder Bear thunderbear at yonderway.com
Mon Aug 19 20:58:46 EDT 2002

On Mon, 2002-08-19 at 20:21, Greg Brown wrote:
> Does anyone here work at the EPA or know anything about their computer 
> infrastructure?  

Not that, but...

> This whole thing 
> started started because I'm trying to find an area of the government where 
> Linux has made some inroads.  

NASA and NOAA have been big Linux users / supporters for awhile now.

I couldn't find anything on EPA and Linux at http://fcw.com but you may
have better luck.  Note that "linux epa" turned up nothing on their
search engine but "linux and epa" did.

-=[*Thunder Bear*]=-

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