[TriLUG] UPDATE: Red Hat Sucks

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Wed Aug 28 12:17:43 EDT 2002

On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 09:22, Roberto J Dohnert wrote:
> Hey guys, wanted to say hello. Here is an update to my business venture.  Computers have started going into production I have only sold 6 in the past 2 months but hey its started.  My probs with Red Hat got worse.  After I got an apology and a " thumbs " up from that Red Hat Rep I decided to stick with em.  Big mistake.  After never getting the CDs from them that they promised.  I went ahead and bought retail versions and included them with the computers so my customers would get some kind of support.  Well when my neighbor bought one of my systems he had some problems with sound.  I wasnt home so he called Red Hat and after he told them it came preinstalled they told him I wasnt a registered OEM so support was void.  I heard about it when I came home I called Red Hat and spoke to the rep my neighbor spoke too and he told me I had to pay a special licensing fee to be a registered OEM of Red Hat Linux and that if I continued to preinstall I would be facing legal ramifications from Red Hat.  After a heated arguement I told him what I was told, I didnt need it because i was including retail versions.  he told me I was wrong I told him to go to hell and take a Red Hat Linux CD turn that son of a b**ch sideways and shove it up his ass.  I then called Suse and told one of their reps a Chris Essex about my problems ,  I agreed to pay them 150.00 for support options for my customers vs Red Hats $748.00 and it only took me 3 days to get 120 install CDs I distributed them to my existing customers and none of them have had any problems and I had some tell me that they liked it more than Red Hat Linux anyway. Red Hat is now a Leper to me and I will never and I mean EVER buy another Red Hat product again.  If Red Hat ever became the only linux distro available I would start using Windows again.  I started using Suse as well and I love it.  

Hi Roberto,

I'm glad to hear that SuSE worked for you.  This is a perfect example of
why its good to be able to choose between different Linux distributions.

In the interest of open communication, I urge you to share the above
email with all your current and potential customers.  If you have a web
site, please display it prominently.  It will both further knowledge of
potential problems that these customers may have with Red Hat on their
machines and will serve as clear indication of your business's character
and commitment. 

best regards,

Edward H. Hill III, PhD 
Post-Doctoral Researcher   |  Email:  ed at eh3.com,  ehill at mines.edu
Division of ESE            |  URLs:   http://www.eh3.com
Colorado School of Mines   |    http://cesep.mines.edu/people/edhill.php
Golden, CO  80401          |  Phone:  303-273-3483    Fax: 303-273-3311
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