[TriLUG] Red Hat Linux 8.0

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Mon Sep 30 14:51:37 EDT 2002

On Mon, 2002-09-30 at 11:04, Elliot Peele wrote:
> Folks,
> Red Hat Linux 8.0 was released this morning at 10:00. The first four cd
> images are available from ftp.trilug.org. The fifth disk should be
> available later today.
> Elliot

Hi Elliot,

I'd love to get a copy of RH 8.0 in order to mirror it for folks on the
Front Range (mostly, for members the CLUE and BLUG groups--both Front
Range LUGs).  Unfortunately, I can't get to any of the official RH
mirrors and I'm unable to connect to the TriLUG mirror using ftp.

Included below is an ftp session with a "passive mode" error.  I
understand that some firewalls will cause these errors.  Can you help? 
Again, if I get a copy I will gladly use it to setup a mirror (here on
the Mines campus) for two local LUGs.



[edhill at XXX ~]$ ftp ftp.trilug.org
Connected to ftp.trilug.org (
 Hello, welcome to the TriLUG mirror server.
 Anonymous access is available, but limited.  
 For full access, please login with your registered 
 email address as username and your member number
 as password.
 You may also access the mirrors via HTTP at
 For problems or questions, contact sys at trilug.org
 or steering at trilug.org.
220 dargo.trilug.org ready.
Name (ftp.trilug.org:edhill): anonymous
331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your
230-Anonymous login ok, restrictions apply.
 Please read the file README
230    it was last modified on Tue Aug 27 18:07:11 2002 - 34 days ago
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (64,244,27,139,155,38).
ftp: connect: Connection refused

Edward H. Hill III, PhD 
Post-Doctoral Researcher   |  Email:  ed at eh3.com,  ehill at mines.edu
Division of ESE            |  URLs:   http://www.eh3.com
Colorado School of Mines   |    http://cesep.mines.edu/people/edhill.php
Golden, CO  80401          |  Phone:  303-273-3483    Fax: 303-273-3311
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