[TriLUG] RH8 and Evolution Problem

Thunder Bear thunderbear at yonderway.com
Sun Oct 6 02:00:34 EDT 2002

On Sunday, October 6, 2002, at 01:49 AM, Jon Carnes wrote:

> I have to agree with you about the new Macs, but then Macs have always
> been superior desktop boxes. The addition of BSD (unix) support to 
> their
> OS is real coup.

I don't know that they were always superior desktop boxes, but I will 
say that they were always taken seriously as a desktop.  I would not 
even consider using a Mac as my primary box without the BSD 
underpinnings.  My TiBook has thus become my primary "desktop".  There 
are things I miss, sure, but overall I'm pleased.

> I also agree about BSD on the Back-end. The security of the systems is
> superior and the native support for ssh and ipsec make them superior
> firewall and VPN end-points.

You'll not find many people who preach the virtues of OpenBSD as much 
as me but there are some huge chunks missing.  For example, ever notice 
PAM was missing?  This unfortunately precludes OpenBSD from being used 
in a lot of otherwise ideal roles because, like it's primary 
maintainer, it doesn't play well with others (in the authentication 

I think if you put two things in OpenBSD it would be a killer file 
1) PAM
2) nsswitch

And a personal visionary pick:
3) iSCSI

Thunder Bear

"The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly."
-Abraham Lincoln

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