[TriLUG] Installfest and Parking (or the lack thereof!)---big round building behind the Library!!
al johson
alfjon at mindspring.com
Thu Oct 17 16:06:34 EDT 2002
Many thanks to all who responded.
If someone could give narrative directions to the group as to which roads
to take off either Hillsboro St. or Western Blvd. they would be extremely
useful. Something such as: "Go East on Hillsboro until you come to ____ St.
Look for the _____ Store then turn right, go to (blah, blah, blah)."
It would also be helpful to have this narrative to help those who are
totally unfamiliar with Raleigh to help them find Hillsboro or Western Blvd.
Either street should be enough, but both would be super.
--See you Sat. IF I CAN FIND A PARK. If worse comes to worse (or should I
say, "best comes to best" since that would mean we would have a lot of new
Linux users!!) at the K-Mart parking lot just off U.S. 1 on Western Blvd.,if
the group can set up a big installfest carpool!! Even closer still, there is
a large parking lot just off Western Blvd close to the Mission Valley
Theater (but it is way too far to walk carry anything from). :-))
Hopefully it won't come to that and there will be enough parking nearby. My
experiences with trying to use the NCSU library in the past have been
extremely frustrating precisely because of a lack of parking. It's not as
bad as Chapel Hill, but close enough!! ---Al Johnson.
----- Original Message -----
From: "lfwelty" <lfwelty at redback.com>
To: <trilug at trilug.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [TriLUG] Installfest and Parking (or the lack thereof!)---big
round building behind the Library!!
> There's relatively close parking back behind Cox/Dabney (the physics and
> chemistry bldgs). On Yarbrough Dr.
> The closest spot is probably the unloading dock beside polk hall, but
> you can't park there - You'll likely have to unload and move. This is
> a little tricky to get to as it's a one-way street (of course going the
> wrong way).
> - To get to this street you'll need to enter campus from Hillsborough st.
> past the library (the patterson hall entrance - don't know the road
> exactly).
> - Go down Lampe Dr.
> - Take a right onto stinson and drive to the Tee in the road. To your
> right will be Polk Hall and the docks mentioned above. I beleive
> there is parking all along Stinson and the left off shoot of the Tee.
> http://www2.ncsu.edu/ncsu/campus_map/north.htm
> F.
> al johson wrote:
> >
> > OK, so I'm trying the best I can to make the Installfest at NCSU this
> > (19th),primarily because I figure it'll be one of the closest ones to
> >
> > Found Harrlelson Building, it's a big round building behind the library
> > those who don't care to wander through NCSU's online maps (yes, there
> > many!!).
> > Once I found it, I had my wife ask some NCSU co-workers where you
> > park to get to it. They all said there is "no parking for that
building", at
> > least none nearby, as well as few roads to it if you believe the map. So
> > like to know how we can not only park but get fairly close up so we can
> > carry in some of our heavy computers??? If there is already a plan in
> > for this, I'd love to hear it, as I'm sure many others would too. See
> > there!!! Al Johnson.
> >
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> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Frank Welty | 15401 Weston Parkway, Suite 150
> lfwelty at redback.com | Cary, NC 27513
> Redback Networks | desk:919.678.2175 m: 919.264.7495
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