[TriLUG] Low-cost Certification Course?

Kevin Sonney alchemist at darkcanvas.com
Wed Oct 23 21:45:02 EDT 2002

On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 08:18:26PM -0400, Greg Brown spoke thusly:
> Can you provide training to homeless RHCE hopefuls (or even Lucent 
> employees)?  I've always been big on self-study but I'd like to get a 
> real idea of just what is required to pass the RHCE.  I've been on the 

All persons who take the RHCE Exam are required to sign multiple NDA
statements, and cannot talk about the contents of the exam in more
than general ways.

One of the best resources I used while studying for my exam was
http://www.rhce2b.com/ - he's got a wealth of information, great
resource links, and doesn't break his NDA. He's even got a practice
test for you to take.

> I'd like specifics on this like do I need to reconfigure a kernel?  Do 
> I need to enable routing, DNS, and sendmail without using a GUI tool?  

I can't tell you. The only way to find out exactly what you have
top do to pass the test, well, is to take it. 

I'll also quote Matt Galgoci on taking the test : "it's east to take,
but a b*ll-buster to pass." I found that statement accurate when I
took the test.

--         Kevin Sonney         --
--  ICQ: 4855069  AIM: ksonney  --
320C 0336 3BC4 13EC 4AEC  6AF2 525F CED7 7BB6 12C9
 I Had a Coupon!  -- Gir
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