[TriLUG] redhat & daylight savings time

Thomas C. Meggs tom at plik.net
Tue Oct 29 10:36:01 EST 2002


I have several Redhat 7.x boxes which decided they didn't want to fall 
back on Sunday. Does anyone have any ideas about what I can do to make 
sure that they update their clocks in the future? Even on a couple that 
were running ntpd, the time stayed precise, but was still an hour off.

I found a note in the RedHat 5.1 documentation mentioning that if the 
hardware clock isn't set to GMT, it wouldn't update. From an initial 
investigation this may still be true, but I couldn't dig up any mention 
of that still being the case under newer releases.

Any pointers / suggestions would be appreciated.


$Id: .sig,v 1.18 2002/10/12 20:27:23 tom Exp $

pub  1024D/87F1C20F 2001-11-15 Thomas C. Meggs <tom at plik.net>
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