[TriLUG] Mail Server Class Info

Lisa C. Boyd lisab at moya.trilug.org
Tue Oct 29 15:07:51 EST 2002

Here's the info I have for the mail server class. Let me know if you
have suggestions on any of this :)

Teacher:  Jon Carnes
Place:    RTI (same place as monthly meetings)
Date:     Saturday, November 9, 2002
Time:     Class starts at 2 pm.
Audience: Newbie (veterans feel free to come and help others!)

Jon will be detailing how to set up your own mail server starting from
the beginning ("newbie") point-of-view. He will be talking in general
terms but will also demonstrate the steps on his machine using Red Hat.
You may bring your own machine to work on during the class or come just
to listen and take notes. There will be a time of discussion for getting
specific help with your computer if necessary.

If you bring your own machine, you will need to bring everything
(monitor, keyboard, mouse, power cables, etc) for it. I recommend that
you arrive around 1:30 so you can have your machine in place and ready
to go by the time the class starts at 2 pm. You will need a working
installation of Linux before you come to class. Jon will be going over
installation and configuration of the additional programs needed to run
your own mail server.

If you are bringing a computer with something other than Red Hat or
Mandrake on it, please let me know so I can make sure we have some
experts there to cover that distro.

Thanks for your support in this. We already have 16 people signed up for
the class.

Lisa B.

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