[TriLUG] UPDATE! Mail Server Class

Jim Ray jim at neuse.net
Wed Nov 6 10:18:08 EST 2002

I don't have a notebook computer available and will be bringing a
desktop computer.  However, I can bring an extension cord and power tap
to set up an island for a few computers in the middle of the room and
free up counter space for others.

It is not vacuum tube powered or anything that old yet does sport a 366
MHz Celeron processor.  So, you GHz folks try not to laugh too hard.

I reckon I'll do good ole localhost testing since I only have wired



-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa C. Boyd [mailto:lisab at moya.trilug.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 4:20 PM
To: TriLUG
Subject: [TriLUG] UPDATE! Mail Server Class

Currently I have 27 people who are signed up for the mail server class,
and I have a feeling there are more of you out there who haven't told me
you're coming yet! I need some more information from all of you who are
planning on coming and I need a final count. So if you'd like to come
and haven't told me yet, please respond to this message!!

1. We have discussed the possibility of splitting into two classes. This
would make the class size smaller and allow Jon more one-on-one help
time. Otherwise, I think we have a few people who can float around and
help those who get into trouble (like me!). Would you be interested in a
smaller class size and more personal attention? Or do you think the
larger class size will work for you?

2. I need to get a confirmation from everyone if you are still
definitely going to make it on Saturday. If we do decide to go to two
classes, we'll most likely have one class at 10 am on Saturday and keep
the other at 2 pm. Do you have a preference of time? Or would either
work for you?

3. I need to get a count on how many people are bringing computers and
how many are just coming for the notes. We are working on a setup for
the chairs/tables in the room and want to make sure that we provide
enough space for everyone to be comfortable. Are you planning on
bringing a computer? Is it a laptop or desktop system? 

Thanks for the information! It will definitely help in making this class
the best we can. If all goes well, we hope to do classes on a regular
basis so please provide feedback!

Lisa B.

**Previous Information**
Teacher:  Jon Carnes
Place:    RTI - Dreyfus (same place as monthly meetings)
Date:     Saturday, November 9, 2002
Time:     Class starts at 2 pm.
Audience: Newbie (veterans feel free to come and help others!)

Jon will be detailing how to set up your own mail server starting from
the beginning ("newbie") point-of-view. He will be talking in general
terms but will also demonstrate the steps on his machine using Red Hat.
You may bring your own machine to work on during the class or come just
to listen and take notes. There will be a time of discussion for getting
specific help with your computer if necessary.

If you bring your own machine, you will need to bring everything
(monitor, keyboard, mouse, power cables, etc) for it. I recommend that
you arrive around 1:30 so you can have your machine in place and ready
to go by the time the class starts at 2 pm. You will need a working
installation of Linux before you come to class. Jon will be going over
installation and configuration of the additional programs needed to run
your own mail server.

If you are bringing a computer with something other than Red Hat or
Mandrake on it, please let me know so I can make sure we have some
experts there to cover that distro.

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