[TriLUG] A question about LINUX FORMAT magazine

JoJo Almario jalmario at intrah.org
Fri Nov 22 10:13:59 EST 2002

I am subscribed to Linux Format through the Resource center/ Library at 
my office.  They save the disks for me, and I am responsible for passing 
itaround to all the other IT guys. 

BTW  Its a great rag.  I think its good when alot of the content is not 
over my head...which could potentially be alot.  Did you need any info 
on securing a subscription or anything like that?  E-mail me off the 
list if you do.

jalmario at intrah.org

al johson wrote:

>As most of you are aware, one of the finest Linux publications is a magazine
>called LINUX FORMAT which is published in Great Britain. One of the best
>features of this magazine is the disk (DVD) or disks (two CD's), which come
>with it. The DVD version usually has every new distribution not long after
>it comes out.
>Now it is possible to purchase this magazine locally at Borders (CD version
>only) and Barnes & Noble (DVD [if you're lucky and someone hasn't swiped the
>disk(s) from your copy] and CD versions). The DVD version costs only $1.00
>more and naturally has a lot more Linux software on it. Both Borders and
>Barnes and Noble stores in Cary usually have a few copies of this magazine
>but if you don't check these stores regularly (and even if you do), you can
>sometimes miss an issue. I've tried to get employees at both stores to
>reserve a copy for me, but this has been a hit and miss proposal at best. So
>I'm considering subscribing to it. My question is simply this:
>Does anyone in the Tri-lug group have a Linux Format Magazine subscription??
>I'm especially interested in subscribing to the DVD version, but in the past
>getting things mailed reliably from overseas has also been an iffy
>proposition at best.
>Incidentally, Linux Format magazine is a magazine Linux users from newbies
>to pro's will enjoy and can use, as there are excellent tutorials in it.
>Another problem is the exchange rate. The magazine says you can subscribe in
>North America, but it gives the cost in Pounds!!, but the exchange rate
>between Dollars and Pounds, as you know, changes daily!! So how do you know
>how much money to send them?? Credit cards can be used, but I'm not thrilled
>about giving my credit card number to an overseas company.--Al Johnson.
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JoJo Almario
Network Administrator
Intrah /UNC School of Medicine
Office - 919-843-5145
Fax    - 919-966-6816
jalmario at intrah.org

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