[TriLUG] Hardware: Most reliable IDE HD brand?

Michael Alan Dorman mdorman at debian.org
Mon Dec 2 08:29:30 EST 2002

"al johson" <alfjon at mindspring.com> writes:

> And to add to the confusion of finding a reliable HD brand, I had an
> IBM HD go bad not long after buying it new!! I was told it was part
> of a "bad batch". Fortunately I purchased it from Intrex which
> guarantees all their parts for 12 months.

Well, IBM also has a warranty, though it's slower to go that route, of

In my experience, HD manufacturers are pretty good about honoring
their warranties.  I've returned a batch of >20 Quantum Grand Prix's
for a full refund from Quantum, I've replaced seagates and IBMs, and
generally it's been "no questions asked".

So I would suggest that if you're looking for a drive for long-term
use, checking the warranty is probably the best bet---and yes, the
status quo seems to be that most IDE HD's are warrantied for 1 year,
and most SCSI HD's are warrantied for 3 years, but you can probably
find exceptions on both sides.  The 80GB Maxtor IDE's I picked up
recently were 3 year, for instance.


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