[TriLUG] other LUGs
gregbrown at mindspring.com
gregbrown at mindspring.com
Mon Dec 16 15:47:32 EST 2002
Has anyone from TriLUG dealt with other LUGs from around the Country? Are
they are as good as TriLUG about setting up install-fests for those who don't
know how to install Linux? I imagine so, but I wanted to ask anyway.
The reason is this: One of my hobbies is camping and RVing. Wi-Fi is a hot
topic right now in the RV circles because it helps keep full-timers, and those
fortunate enough to be able to be on the road for longer then a week at a
stretch, in touch with their families. It's not unusual to see a retired
couples who were formerlly not computer uses using Wi-Fi laptops close to RV
parks (or where they can find service).
Anyway, to make a long story shorter, I'm writing an article for a RV magazine
about WEP, SSL, and so on and in the end I'm going to suggest using a SSH
tunnel for security (using Linux as the proxy server, of course). Since the
mere mention of Linux is going to send most non-geeks into a melt-down I want
to suggest that the RVers asking around their familes, find someone with a
business, or a home DSL or cable connection, then ask them to set up the Linux
router, proxy server, etc for them. I am then going to suggest that the
family member contact a LUG neerest to them to get the box set up if it is
beyond thier capabilities.
As I write this I'm starting to think this might not be a good idea but then
again I don't see a better way to get SSH tunnels set up. And I like the idea
because it might help get more Linux boxes into the hands of non-belivers. I
mean, are you going to make Grandma cry because you won't ditch for Linksys
for a Linux box so she can read her e-mail and get pictures of her
Any thoughts?
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